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Bhupendra G Prajapati

Ganpat University, India


Bhupendra Prajapati is a Professor in Department of Pharmaceutics, Shree S K Patel College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Ganpat University, Gujarat, India and Adjunct Professor Silpakorn University, Thailand. He has 22 years of academic and research experience and published more than 250 researches and review works in international and national Journals. He has delivered invited scientific talk in many conference and seminar worldwide. He authored 150 book chapters in the field of novel drug delivery. He edited 20 books with publishers like Elsevier, AAP CRC, Wiley, Springer and Jenny Stanford. He is a reviewer in many high impact journals and is on the editorial board member.


Abstract : Intranasal voriconazole-loaded nanoemulsion for enhanced therapy of cryptococcal meningitis