Leni Herliani Afrianti
Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
Afrianti, Leni Herliani was born in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia in 21 April, 1968. She get Bachelor of Engineering Degree from Food Technology Department, Pasundan University, Bandung, Indonesia, in 1986, and Master of Agriculture Degree in Post Harvest Agriculture of Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia in 2001, and Doctoral Degree of Pharmacology in School of Pharmacy Institute Technology Bandung in 2008, Indonesia. In 1995, she joined with Food Technology Department Faculty of Engineering Pasundan University, Bandung, Indonesia as lecturer. In 2012, she has become chairman of Food Technology Pasundan University Bandung, Indonesia until now. She presented a paper on several international conferences. She has published more than 40 papers in reputed journals and proceeding. She has received research funding from the National Strategic Grant Batch II of from 2009 to 2011 and Competence Grant 2014 to 2016 of the Ministry of Education (DP2M) Indonesia