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Beom Su Jang

Beom Su Jang

Korea Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea


Beom Su Jang has his expertise in evaluation of pharmacokinetic property of noble drug using radioisotope and nuclear imaging. Byeong yong Yoo has his expertise in application of accelerator mass spectrometry. They develop the new RI-ADME evaluation approaches based on accelerator mass spectrometry creates more powerful tools for improving C-14 analysis. They have built this model after years of experience in research, evaluation. The IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP): D52043.Depletion of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Radiometric Analysis of their Residues in Animal Matrices’ support this study.


Abstract : RI-ADME study design of C-14 radiolabelled amoxicillin depletion in industrial animal using accelerator mass spectrometry