Layla Borham
Cairo University, Saudi Arabia
Layla Borham is a Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at Cairo University. She received her MSc and MD degrees at Cairo University Medical School. She has been working in Faculty of Medicine, Umm AlQura University, KSA for 15 years. During this period, she carried out a lot of scientific and social serving activities through her publications, scientific committee memberships, lectures and administrative work. She is a member in many committees in and outside the university. She is a Reviewer of Current Rheumatology Journal, and Associate Editor of Umm AlQura Medical Journal and Clinical Pharmacology and Translational Medicine Journal. She works in teaching hospitals as a Clinical Pharmacology Consultant. In addition, she works in the Ministry of Health hospitals and primary health care centres giving awareness lectures to health care providers and patients. She has been awarded a golden prize from Umm AlQura University for her overall services at the university.